ご利用期間:7/12(水)~7/16(日) 4泊5日
林以葳 様
ご利用期間:7/5(水)~7/14(金) 9泊10日
Q How was the trip in Hokkaido with Camper van ?
Would you recommend your friends?
Yes, we already intrahed your Rental company to our friends.
We are excited in driving camper van this time. We will choose yours next time.
Q How was our service? Are you satisfied?
Yes. We are satisfied with your service kindly and Best regard with us.
Q Are there any service we are not providing that you would like to see us provide?
Map code with GPS MAP.
李欣耘 様
ご利用期間:7/5(水)~7/13(木) 8泊9日
Q How was the trip in Hokkaido with Camper van ?
Would you recommend your friends?
Yes, will recommend to our friends.
Q How was our service? Are you satisfied?
Everything is ok, but the free equipment isn’t enough.
Q Are there any service we are not providing that you would like to see us provide?
An auto camping guide is necessary.
The battery in the camper van is too small. one or two big will be necessary and better, two is good. faucet isn’t work.
王英凱 様
ご利用期間:7/5(水)~7/11(火) 6泊7日
Q How was the trip in Hokkaido with Camper van ?
Would you recommend your friends?
Sure, the camper van carry my family to the East of Hokkaido.
And the boss is very kindly for answering my question. I will recommend my friends next time.
Q How was our service? Are you satisfied?
The boss answer my question very quickly and kindly.
Q Are there any service we are not providing that you would like to see us provide?
No, very good !